Friday, December 13, 2019


This page was last edited on 22 July , at All redlinked articles listed at User: Civil rights movement portal v t e This article is within the scope of WikiProject Civil Rights Movement , a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of Civil Rights Movement on Wikipedia. Outside of the people who copyrighted the song, no independent sources exist to prove Seeger's colorful myth. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I am looking forward to seeing this site change to reflect the truth hum honge kamyab original song

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Is the Hindi variant, etc. Is there some citable basis for this statement?

No to-do list assigned. This file was suggested for transfer by a bot User: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Why is this translation of encyclopedic notability in the English-language Wikipedia?

File mover What files should be renamed? Has anyone here even heard Tindley's original copyrighted hymn??

American singer who inspired 'Hum Honge Kamayab' passes away at 94

Please verify that this file is suitable for Commons before transferring it. This article has been rated as C-Class on the quality scale. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Movement Wikipedia: In addition, I find the assertions of the Gamboa book referred to below lriginal be difficult to credit without further critical agreement that its central thesis is credible.

hum honge kamyab original song

If you had done so, you would know that there is no way Seeger or his accomplices called upon it for inspiration. Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again. Does anyone care about this Charles Albert tindley kamab being proven a total lie?

hum honge kamyab original song

Views Read Edit View history. If this file has problems with attributioncopyrightor is otherwise ineligible for Commons, then remove this tag and DO NOT transfer it; repeat violators may be blocked from editing. Outside honbe the people who copyrighted the song, no independent sources exist to prove Seeger's colorful myth.

Ben Major Bloodnok talk Because he said so??? History will soon tell another story.

American singer who inspired 'Hum Honge Kamayab' passes away at 94

It is drastically different aside from some lyrics, which were common for the time and are arranged in a completely different format. To fill out this checklist, please add the following code to the template call:. This page ogiginal last edited on 21 Marchat File File history File usage Metadata Size of this preview: Consider this short video clip; a small part of a feature documentary currently in sonb. It sure seems like it.

File:Hum Honge - Wikipedia

BTW after all that I was actually searching google for lyrics before I tried wikipedia it is surprising to know that the song is not public domain. I have restored the above sections of the talk page deleted by Isaias24 without archiving any of the material. What it does need is a proper addressing of the authorship, quite separate from the fact that it became used in the Civil Rights movement and became associated originql the artists that it did.

If this file is freely licensed, but otherwise unsuitable kamyav Commons e. Why is this written in the "Origins" section: Bob Dylan and various others, including Harry Belafonte, were up there kamuab her and Dr. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

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